On May 25, 2016 Daniel Sparing will defend his PhD thesis at 10.00h.
After the defence, one of his committee members Prof. Karl Nachtigall (TU Dresden) will give a presentation about ‘Mathematical Modelling of Industrialized Timetables’.
The computer-added generation of timetables gains noticeably importance to the strategic timetabling in railway transportation due to the application of more efficient mathematical methods and increasing computational capacities. On the one hand the computer added timetabling supports the timetabling specialist through enhancing its work efficiency. On the other hand modern timetabling methods provide the possibility to generate and evaluate several timetables. Transportation and infrastructure companies can thus analyse the available infrastructure with special respect to meaningful traffic-related measures. Therefore, the prompt, automatic and especially conflict-free generation and optimization of timetables is of special significance. The Chair of Traffic Flow Science at TU Dresden is developing the programme system TAKT to automatically generate and to mathematically optimize timetables for a predetermined railway infrastructure and an associated operating program to the operator. The solution of the planning problem considers manifold diverse requirements which are partially contrary to one another. Furthermore, TAKT is able to handle large and complex real-world railway networks. This presentation gives an overview of recent research results about the mathematical modelling and solving of industrialized timetables.
Date: 25 May 2016
Time: 14.30 – 16.00 h
Location: CEG, Stevinweg 1, Delft
Room: 4.02
If you want to join the presentation, please send an e-mail to Priscilla Hanselaar (TUD CEG), p.s.hanselaar@tudelft.nl.