General Information
The PhD degree is awarded in a ceremonial exam session of one hour in which the candidate defends his or her thesis against a committee of experts. Completion of the PhD project is expected to be reached in a period of 4 years of research.
In the vast majority of cases a thesis is based on research performed as an employee of a university. Funding of the position as a PhD student is usually through grants obtained by your supervisor from a research-funding agency or another contractual partner. Salaries are based on salary-scales valid for the Dutch university system.
The university at which the PhD student is working is entitled to demand a contribution to teaching to a maximum of 15% of the normal working hours. This could be as a teaching assistant for excercises or lab courses. It is also expected that a PhD student supervises a few BSc or MSc students, integrating them in his or her own research project.
During the 4 years of research the PhD student takes part in courses and workshops suitable for his/her scientific and personal development.
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