Conference proceedings
A series of The Netherlands TRAIL Research School for conference papers on transport, infrastructure and logistics.
- 11th International TRAIL Congress “Connecting people, Integrating expertise”, November 2010, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, 2010/1, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-90-5584-139-4. You can download the abstracts HERE
- 10th International TRAIL Congress, TRAIL in Perspective, Selected Papers, October 2008, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P2008/1, the Netherlands, ISBN: 978-90-5584-112-7
- 10th TRAIL Congress 2008, TRAIL in Perspective, Day 1 – Congress Day, 14 October 2008, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, the Netherlands, on CD-ROM, ISBN: 978-90-5584-107-3
- 10th TRAIL Congress 2008, TRAIL in Perspective, Day 2 – International Scientific Seminars Day, 15 October 2008, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, the Netherlands, on CD-ROM, ISBN: 978-90-5584-107-3
- 9th TRAIL Congress 2006, TRAIL in MOTION, Selected Papers, November 2006, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P2006/1, The Netherlands, ISBN: 90-5584-081-5
- 9th TRAIL Congress 2006, TRAIL in MOTION, November 2006, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P2006/1, The Netherlands, on CD-ROM
- Symposium TRAIL Research School, The Reliability of Traveling and the Robustnes of Transport Systems , May 2005, TRAIL Conference Proceedings P2005/01, The Netherlands, ISBN: 90-5584-000-9
- Symposium TRAIL Research School, The Reliability of Traveling and the Robustnes of Transport Systems , May 2005, TRAIL Conference Proceedings P2005/01, The Netherlands, on CD-ROM
- 8th TRAIL Congress 2004, A World of Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics , Selected Papers, November 2004, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P2004/1, Delft University Press, The Netherlands, ISBN: 90-407-2555-1
- 7th TRAIL Congress 2002, TRAILblazing into the Furture , Selcted Papers, November 2002, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P2002/2, Delft University Press, The Netherlands, ISBN: 90-407-2365-6
- Seminar TRAIL Research School, Freeway Design. Comparison of HCM-2000 and Dutch Approach. State of the Art and New Developments , December 2001, TRAIL Conference Proceedings P2001/01, The Netherlands, ISBN: 90-5584-047-5
- Symposium TRAIL Research School/Faculty of design, Engineering and Production, Visions on Transport and Logisitics , December 2001, TRAIL Conference Proceedings P2001/02, The Netherlands, ISBN: 90-5584-046-7
- 6th TRAIL Annual Congress 2000, Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics , December 2000, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P2000/3, Delft University Press, The Netherlands
- 5th TRAIL Annual Congress 1999, Five Years Crossroads of Theory and Practice , December 1999, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P99/4, Delft University Press, The Netherlands
- Workshop TRAIL Research School, Rondom Bestuur en Infrastructuur , September 1999, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P99/3, Delft University Press, The Netherlands
- Seminar TRAIL Research School, Recent Advances in Traffic Flow Modelling and Control , September 1999, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P99/2, The Netherlands
- Euroconference Rolduc, Keeping the Elderly Mobile; Outdoor mobility of the elderly: problems and solutions , July 1999, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P99/1, Delft University Press, The Netherlands
- 4th TRAIL Annual Congress 1998, Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics; competition, innovation and creativity , December 1998, TRAIL Conference Proceedings, P98/1, Delft University Press, The Netherlands