20 September 2022 – Grand Hotel Karel V, Utrecht |
Start Time |
Unico van Wassenaar |
Graaf van Leicester |
Anna van Oostenrijk |
Hertogen |
09.00 |
Registration & Coffee/tea |
09.45 |
Opening by Bert van Wee and Felix Pot (PhD Council) |
Transport Modelling & Simulation |
Train Transport |
Travel Behavior |
Chair Serge Hoogendoorn |
Chair Rob Goverde |
Chair Henk Meurs |
10.00 |
A framework to connect the flood and evacuation process: An interface for enrichment of evacuation models, decisions and strategies
Louise Klingen |
Train motion model calibration: research agenda and practical recommendations
Alex Cunillera |
Social media and public transit: Using twitter to improve the dynamic public travel trend prediction under Covid19
Yanyan Xu |
10.20 |
UNRAVELED: UNderstanding tRAffic effects on paVement ravELing by fiEld Data
Zili Wang |
The Future of Railway Traffic Management
Nina Versluis |
A Cluster Analysis of Temporal Patterns of Travel Production in the Netherlands: Dominant within-day and day-to-day patterns and their association with Urbanization Levels
Zahra Eftekhar |
10.40 |
UQnet: A non-parametric and generalizable approach for quantifying spatial uncertainty in trajectories prediction
Guopeng LI |
Extracting railway passenger demand patterns from origin-destination data
Renate van der Knaap |
Testing a new proposition explaining aggressive driving style in novice drivers: a slower assessment of risky road situations
Angèle Picco |
11.00 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
11.15 |
Impact of crowdsourced speed check data on traffic speed: A case study of the Netherlands
Yutian Liu |
Self-Organizing Railway Operations
Konstantinos Rigos |
Car-following and lane-changing behavior of human drivers in mixed traffic: A driving simulator experiment
Nagarjun Reddy |
11.35 |
Privacy-preserving trajectory-based intersection safety assessment
Yiru Jiao |
Assessment of quantitative methods for the safety-performance evaluation of next-generation train-centric railway operations
Joelle Aoun |
Effects of life events and attitudes on vehicle transactions: A dynamic Bayesian network approach
Yajie Yang |
11.55 |
Interactive Multiscale Visualization of Mobility Networks
Saman Behrouzi |
A Latent Class Structural Equation Model of the Relationship between Travel Satisfaction and Overall Life Satisfaction; Controlling for Satisfaction with Other Life Domains
Yanan Gao |
12.15 |
(in de Refter!) |
Automated Vehicles |
Transition towards Sustainable Mobility |
Optimization |
Chair Bert van Wee |
Chair Jan Anne Annema |
Chair Bilge Atasoy |
13.00 |
Traffic heterogeneity with connectivity and connected automated vehicles
Xue Yao |
Modelling mobility transitions using the Actor-Option framework
Karoline Führer |
Assortment Optimization for Boundedly Rational Customers
Mahsa Farhani |
13.20 |
A Multiclass simulation-based traffic assignment model for mixed traffic flow of connected and autonomous vehicles and human-driven vehicles
Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani |
Estimating the Effects of Any Future Mode on the Accessibility of an Urban Area Using a Multimodal Supernetwork
Koen de Clercq |
Two-echelon Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization for An Integrated Water- and Land-based Transportation System
Çiğdem Karademir |
13.40 |
Development of methodological control theory of meaningful human control (MHC) for automated driving system (ADS)
Lucas Elbert Suryana |
Estimating availability effects in travel mode choice among e-bikes and other sustainable transport services: Results of a stated portfolio choice experiment
Xueting Ren |
The ego vehicle trajectory plan interacting with the bicycle at a single-lane road
Jinyang Zhao |
14.00 |
Developing an AI-Based Framework for Modeling Autonomous Vehicles in Microsimulation
Saeed Rahmani |
Role of service uncertainty in decision to use Demand responsive transport services, A stated adaptation choice experiment
Shangqi Li |
Online optimization approaches for fugitive interception
Irene van Droffelaar |
14.20 |
Social Compliant Automated Driving
Yongqi Dong |
Public Participation in Sustainable Mobility Policy-Making: A Scoping Review of Approaches
Jaap van der Waerden |
14.40 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Active Modes |
Freight Transport & Supply Chain |
Miscellaneous |
Chair Winnie Daamen |
Chair Rene de Koster |
Chair Wijnand Veeneman |
15.20 |
Experiences with smart connected bikes
Mario Boot |
Supply and demand models in intermodal transport: how to bridge the gap?
Adrien Nicolet |
Integrated optimization of bus scheduling and charging plan considering the timetable shifting in an electric bus network
Mengyuan Duan |
15.40 |
Level of smartness and technology readiness of technologies affecting cycling safety: A review of literature
Georgios Kapousizis |
Coordination between synchromodal transport operators under unexpected events
Yimeng Zhang |
Analyzing the potential of serious gaming to stimulate social learning for triple Access planning under high uncertainty
Maha Attia |
16.00 |
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in cycling speed:weather’s effects on cycling speed
Hong Yan |
Decision-making in Hyperconnected Urban Last-mile Logistics
Merve Cebeci |
Data-driven Prediction of Multimodal Urban Traffic Operation with Distributed Learning
Xiamei Wen |
16.20 |
Assessing the computational complexity of pedestrian models: A framework
Martijn Sparnaaij |
Structural uncertainty in supply chain simulation models
Isabelle van Schilt |
Multi-objective dynamic geo-fencing for metropolitan transportation networks
Nirvana Pecorari |
16.40 |
State-of-the-art framework of impacting factors on pedestrian behavior
Arco van Beek |
Hybrid Berth Allocation for Bulk Ports with Unavailability and Stock Level Constraints
Xiaohuan Lyu |
Decision-making for reliable supply chains
Yvonne Lont |
17.00 |
Q&A Life after PhD
Speed dating |
18.00 |
Diner buffet
Best Presentation Award |
20.00 |
End of program |