THESES 1999-2010
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[tab_content tab_label=”2010″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Real-time Railway Traffic Management: dispatching in complex, large and busy railway networks | Francesco Corman | 2010/14 | Dec-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841332 |
The Treatment of Uncertainty in Airport Strategic Planning | Jan Kwakkel | 2010/13 | Dec-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841387 |
Intermodal Freight Transport on the Right Track? Environmental and economic performances and their trade-off | Nam Seok Kim | 2010/11 | Dec-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841370 |
Designing Robust Road Networks: a general design method applied to the Netherlands | Maaike Snelder | 2010/10 | Dec-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841356 |
Bayesian Data Asimilation for Improved Modelling of Road Traffic | Chris van Hinsbergen | 2010/09 | Nov-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841325 |
Intelligent Route Guidance | Frank Zuurbier | 2010/08 | Nov-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841318 |
Incorporating Worker-Specific Factors in Operations Management Models | Jose Antonio Larco Martineli | 2010/07 | Nov-2010 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 978905892293 |
Zeehavenontwikkeling in Nederland – Naar een beter beleidsvormingsproces | Hans van Ham | 2010/06 | Aug-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841301 |
School Concentration and School Travel | Enne de Boer | 2010/05 | Jun-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841295 |
Integrated Control of Mixed Traffic Networks using Model Predictive Control | Monique van den Berg | 2010/04 | Apr-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841288 |
Modelling Risk Control Measures in Railways. Analysing how designers and operators organise safe rail traffic | Jaap van den Top | 2010/03 | Apr-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841257 |
The X-faxtor. A longitudinal study of calibration in young novice drivers | Saskia de Craen | 2010/02 | Mar-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841271 |
Model-Baesd Control for Postal Automation and Baggage Handling | Alina Tarau | 2010/01 | Jan-2010 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841233 |
[tab_content tab_label=”2009″]
[tab_content tab_label=”2008″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Exploratory Modeling and Analysis. A promising method to deal with deep uncertainty | Buyung Agusdinata | 2008/17 | Apr-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789071382260 |
The Innovation of Intermodal Rail Freight Bundling Networks in Europe. Concepts, Developments, Performances | Ekki Kreutzberger | 2008/16 | Dec-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841103 |
Integrated Anticipatory Control of Road Networks. A game theoretical approach | Henk Taale | 2008/15 | Dec-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841080 |
Robustness Analysis for Road Networks. A framework with combined DTA models | Minwei Li | 2008/14 | Dec-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841097 |
Enhancing Warehouse Performance by Efficient Order Picking | Mengfei Yu | 2008/13 | Oct-2008 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9789058921673 |
Travel Time Prediction for Urban Networks | Hao Liu | 2008/12 | Oct-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841066 |
Extended Prospect Theory. Findings in Choice Behaviour from Economics and the Behavioural Sciences and their Relevance for Travel Behaviour | Evert Jan van de Kaa | 2008/11 | Oct-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841059 |
Theory and Practice of the Assessment and Valuation of Noise from Roads and Rialroads in Europe | Hans Nijland | 2008/10 | Sep-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841042 |
The Practice of Forward-Looking Transport Policy Assessment Studies | Jan Anne Annema | 2008/09 | Sep-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841035 |
Longitudinal Driving Behavior: Theory and Empirics | Saskia Ossen | 2008/08 | Sep-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841028 |
Improving Real-Time Train Dispatching: Models, Algorithms and Applications | Andrea D’Ariano | 2008/06 | Apr-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055841004 |
Sustainability of Urban Freight Transport | Henricus Quak | 2008/05 | Mar-2008 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9789058921543 |
Assisted Overtaking. An Assessment of Overtaking on Two-Lane Rural Roads | Geertje Hegeman | 2008/04 | Feb-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840991 |
Multi-Agent Look-Ahead Traffic-Adaptive Control | Ronald van Katwijk | 2008/03 | Jan-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840984 |
Expecting the Unexpected, a study of interactive driving behaviour at intersections | Maura Houtenbos | 2008/01 | Jan-2008 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840953 |
[tab_content tab_label=”2007″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Multi-Agent Model Predictive Control with Applications to Power Networks | Rudy Negenborn | 2007/14 | Dec-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840939 |
Ruimtelijke inpassing van lijninfrastructuur | Jan Nederveen | 2007/13 | Dec-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840946 |
Design Aspects of Multiple Driven Belt Conveyors | Ashley Nuttall | 2007/12 | Nov-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840922 |
Design and Validation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems | Olaf Gietelink | 2007/11 | Nov-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840915 |
Driver Support in Congestion | Cornelie van Driel | 2007/10 | Nov-2007 | University of Twente | 9789036525701 |
Modeling the Clustering of Distribution Centers around Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Location endowments, economies of agglomeration, locked-in logistics and policy implications | Pim Warffemius | 2007/09 | Sep-2007 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9789055840908 |
Dynamic Bi-level Optimal Toll Design Approach for Dynamic Traffic Networks | Dusica Joksimovic | 2007/08 | Sep-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840885 |
Synchronizing the Retail Supply Chain | Pieter van der Vlist | 2007/07 | Jun-2007 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9789058921420 |
Choice Set Generation in Multi-Modal Transportation Networks | Maria Fiorenzo-Catalano | 2007/06 | Jun-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840878 |
Infrastructure and Firm Dynamics: A micro-simulation approach | Michiel de Bok | 2007/05 | May-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840861 |
Joint modeling of land-use, transport and economy | Barry Zondag | 2007/04 | Apr-2007 | Delft University of Technology | 9789055840847 |
Analysis of urban traffic patterns using clustering | Wendy Weijermars | 2007/03 | Apr-2007 | University of Twente | 9789036524650 |
[tab_content tab_label=”2006″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Performance of Traffic Networks. A Mosaic of Measures | Collins Makoriwa | 2006/10 | Dec-2006 | University of Twente | 9789055840858 |
Controlling High Speed Automated Transport Network Operations | Ronald de Feijter | 2006/09 | Dec-2006 | elft University of Technology | 9055840807 |
Inter-Urban Short-Term Traffic Congestion Prediction | Giovanni Huisken | 2006/08 | Dec-2006 | University of Twente | 9036524415 |
The Dynamics and the Uncertainty of Delays at Signals | Francesco Viti | 2006/07 | Nov-2006 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840784 |
Stochastic Modelling of Train Delays and Delay Propagation in Stations | Jianxin Yuan | 2006/06 | Oct-2006 | Delft University of Technology | 9059721381 |
Innovation and Regulatory Reform in Public Transport; Innovative capabilities and learning in the public transport organisations | Sumet Ongkittikul | 2006/05 | Sep-2006 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9055840793 |
Intelligent Systems in South Africa; Inpact Assessment through microscopic simulation in the South African context | Marianne Vanderschuren | 2006/04 | Aug-2006 | University of Twente | 9055840777 |
Macroscopic Discontinuity Modeling for Multiclass Multilane Traffic Flow Operations | Dong Ngoduy | 2006/03 | Apr-2006 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840750 |
Algorithmic Decision Support for Shunt Planning | Ramon Lentink | 2006/02 | Feb-2006 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9058921042 |
Hub exchange operations in intermodal hub-and-spoke networks | Yvonne Bontekoning | 2006/01 | Feb-2006 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840726 |
[tab_content tab_label=”2005″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Plan Repair in Single-Agent and Multi-Agent Systems | Roman van der Krogt | 2005/17 | Dec-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 905584067 |
Coordination among Autonomous Planners | Jeroen Valk | 2005/16 | Dec-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840696 |
Collaborative Logistics and Transportation Networks. A Modeling Approach to Hub Network Design | Bas Groothedde | 2005/15 | Nov-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840718 |
Conceptual Design of Automated Freight Transport Systems. Methodology and Practice | Ben-Jaap Pielage | 2005/14 | Nov-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 905584070X |
Distributed Simulation in Industry | Csaba Boer | 2005/12 | Oct-2005 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9058920933 |
Design and Implementation of a Method for the Synthesis of Travel Diary Data | Roland Kager | 2005/11 | Oct-2005 | University of Twente | 9055840769 |
Punctuality of Railway Operations and Timetable Stability Analysis | Rob Goverde | 2005/10 | Oct-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840688 |
Design and Control of Efficient Order Picking | Tho Le-Duc | 2005/09 | Sep-2005 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9058920941 |
Ruimte voor een democratische rechtstaat. Geschakelde sturing bij ruimtelijke investeringen | Wouter-Jan Oosten | 2005/08 | Sep-2005 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9080958417 |
Reliability of Railway Systems | Michiel Vromans | 2005/07 | Jul-2005 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9058920895 |
Transport Infrastructure Slot Allocation | Kaspar Koolstra | 2005/06 | Jun-2005 | Delft University of Rotterdam | 9055840661 |
Port Investment. Towards an Integrated of Port Capacity | Sander Dekker | 2005/05 | Jun-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840653 |
Modelling Travel Behaviour in Multi-modal Networks | Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser | 2005/04 | May-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840645 |
Sustainable Urban Transport Development. A Dynamic Optimisation Approach | Mark Zuidgeest | 2005/03 | Apr-2005 | University of Twente | 9036521742 |
Intelligent Control of Vehicle-Based Internal Transport Systems | Tuan Le Anh | 2005/02 | Apr-2005 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9058920798 |
The Mobile City. The planning and design of the Network City from a mobility point of view | Remon Rooij | 2005/01 | Feb-2005 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840637 |
[tab_content tab_label=”2004″]
[tab_content tab_label=”2003″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Plan Merging in Multi-Agent Systems | Mathijs de Weerdt | 2003/08 | Dec-2003 | Delft University of Technology | 9055840521 |
Dynamic O-D matrix estimation: a behavioural approach | Karel Lindveld | 2003/07 | Sep-2003 | Delft University of Technology | 9051669801 |
On the Behaviour of Classes of Min-max-plus Sytems | Gerardo Koelemeijer | 2003/06 | Sep-2003 | Delft University of Technology | 9067343358 |
Cyclic Railway Timetable Optimization | Leon Peeters | 2003/05 | Jun-2003 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9058320429 |
Policy Analysis in Multi-Actor Policy Settings. Navigating between negotiated nonsense and superfluous knowledge | Odette van de Riet | 2003/03 | Mar-2003 | Delft University of technology | 9051669518 |
Controlling Automated Traffic Agents | David Lindeijer | 2003/02 | Feb-2003 | Delft University of Technology | 9051669488 |
Connectors. The way beyond transferring | Stefan van der Spek | 2003/01 | Feb-2003 | Delft University of Technology | 904072377X |
[tab_content tab_label=”2002″]
[tab_content tab_label=”2001″]
[tab_content tab_label=”2000″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Operational Control of Internal Transport | Robert van der Meer | 2000/05 | Sep-2000 | Erasmus University of Rotterdam | 9040721025 |
On Classes of Min-max-plus Systems and their Applications | Subiono | 2000/02 | Jun-2000 | Delft University of Technology | 90-407-2079-7 |
Technology Assessment of Automated Vehicle Guidance. Prospects for automated driving implementation | Vincent Marchau | 2000/01 | Jan-2000 | Delft University of Technology | 9040720150 |
[tab_content tab_label=”1999″]
Name | Autor | TRAIL nr. | Date | University | ISBN |
Driving with Intelligent Vehicles. Driving behaviour with adaptive cruise control and the acceptance by individual drivers | Marika Hoedemaeker | 99/06 | Nov-1999 | Delft University of Technology | 9040719438 |
Multiclass Continuum Modelling of Multilane Traffic Flow | Serge Hoogendoorn | 99/05 | Sep-1999 | Delft University of Technology | 904071931 |
Supported Driving: Impacts on Motorway Traffic Flow | Michiel Minderhoud | 99/04 | Sep-1999 | Delft University of Technology | 9040719292 |
The Maritime Pilot at Work; Evaluation and use of a time-to-boundary model of mental workload in human-machine systems | Fulko van Westrenen | 99/02 | May-1999 | Delft University of Technology | 9051667035 |