Cycling in Cities
Date: 9-13 September 2019
Location: Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Organized by: Research School for TRAnsport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL)
Target group: International PhD students, both TRAIL and non-TRAIL members
Course managers: Prof. Serge Hoogendoorn & Dr. Kees Maat
Lecturers: Prof. Bert van Wee, prof. Marjan Hagenzieker, prof. Henk Meurs, prof. Karst Geurs, dr. Jan Anne Annema, dr. Winnie Daamen, dr. Paul Koster, dr. Maarten Kroesen, dr. Fariya Sharmeen, Warner Beumer, Alexandra Gavriilidou, Hillie Talens, Danique Ton.
The TRAIL International Summer School for PhD-candidates, was held for the second time. The theme changes annually and this year was about Cycling in Cities. The course aimed to provide theoretical guidance and methods to better evaluate and understand changing travel behaviour, in particular cycling, from a multidisciplinary perspective. PhD students can build on the current knowledge and research approaches provided for their own research.
The course consisted of interactive lectures, discussions, practical training, as well as presentations from the students themselves, and field trips to Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
If you have any questions about the summer school, about the content or the organization, please e-mail to